Thursday, November 1, 2012

Syrian jets pound rebel strongholds across country

In this Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 photo, night falls on a Syrian rebel checkpoint in the Bustan Al-Pasha neighborhood, the boundary of the area controlled by rebel fighters at the northeast limit of the Kurdish controlled area of Sheikh Maksoud in Aleppo, Syria. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras)

In this Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 photo, night falls on a Syrian rebel checkpoint in the Bustan Al-Pasha neighborhood, the boundary of the area controlled by rebel fighters at the northeast limit of the Kurdish controlled area of Sheikh Maksoud in Aleppo, Syria. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras)

In this Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 photo, destroyed buildings are seen along a desolated street in the Bustan Al-Pasha district after several weeks of intense battles between rebel fighters and the Syrian army in Aleppo, Syria. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras)

In this Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 photo, a rebel sniper belonging to the Liwa Al-Fatah keeps an eye on an enemy position from a school building during skirmishes with the Syrian army in the nearby Bustan Al-Pasha front line in Aleppo, Syria. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras)

In this Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 photo, a Syrian woman is stopped and questioned by rebels at a checkpoint in the Bustan Al-Pasha neighborhood, the boundary of the controlled area by rebel fighters at the northeast limit of Sheikh Maaksoud in Aleppo, the Syria. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras)

In this Monday, Oct. 29, 2012 photo, a rebel sniper aims at a Syrian army position, seen with another rebel fighter reflected in a mirror, in a residential building in the Jedida district of Aleppo, Syria. Syrian fighter jets pounded rebel areas across the country on Monday with scores of airstrikes that anti-regime activists called the most widespread bombing in a single day since Syria's troubles started 19 months ago. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras).

(AP) ? Syrian warplanes pounded opposition strongholds around Damascus and in the north Wednesday as President Bashar Assad's forces intensified airstrikes following the failure of a U.N.-backed cease-fire, activists said.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which gathers reports from a network of activists on the ground, said government jets carried out five strikes in the eastern Ghouta district, a rebel stronghold close to the capital.

Three airstrikes also hit the rebel-held city of Maaret al-Numan, which straddles a key supply route from Damascus to Aleppo and has become a main front in the civil war.

No casualties were reported in Wednesday's strikes, the Observatory said.

However, at least 185 people were killed nationwide in airstrikes and artillery shelling the day before, pushing the total death toll since the conflict began in March 2011 to over 36,000, according to the Observatory's president Rami Abdul-Rahman. At least 47 soldiers were also killed Tuesday, the Observatory said.

Syria's crisis began as a peaceful uprising against Assad's regime inspired by the Arab Spring, but it quickly morphed into a civil war.

The international community remains at a loss about how to stop the war. A temporary truce timed to coincide with a major Muslim holiday last week failed to take hold as more than 500 people were killed in fighting during the four day period.

The U.S. and other Western and Arab nations have called on Assad to step down, while Russia, China and Iran continue to back him.

The U.N.-Arab League envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, met Wednesday with China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi to solicit Beijing's support for international efforts to stop the bloodshed.

Brahimi said he hoped "China can play an active role in solving the events in Syria."

Yang said that China is willing to work with the international community to make continuous efforts to achieve a "fair, peaceful and appropriate" resolution, according to Xinhua.

In the past weeks, the regime has intensified airstrikes on rebel positions and strongholds, particularly Maaret al-Numan, a city of 180,000 people that fell to rebel forces on Oct. 10.

A former resident of the city said more than 70 homes have been leveled as a result of air bombardments this week alone.

"The Syrian air force doesn't leave the skies. When the warplane goes, the helicopter comes," the resident who identified himself as Ahmad told The Associated Press in a phone interview on Wednesday. He spoke from a nearby village and would only give his first name for fear of reprisals from the regime.

Most of the city's inhabitants have fled due to heavy fighting, Ahmad said.

"Everyone has fled, you can't live here anymore," Ahmad said, adding that rebel groups, including the al-Qaida inspired Jabhat al-Nusra, had flocked to the area to defend it.

The inability to sustain even a limited truce has raised fears of a prolonged conflict in Syria that could drag in its neighbors such as Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Tuesday expressed "great sadness" that the holiday cease-fire had failed and said his government was done talking to Assad's regime.

That prompted angry comments from the Syrian government against its former ally.

Syria's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Jihad Makdessi, accused Turkey of having "destructive policies" against Damascus and claimed Davutoglu, was "targeting the security and stability" of Syria.

The spokesman insisted it was the unwillingness of Turkey and Gulf states to cease supporting the rebels that doomed the truce, the state-run SANA news agency reported late Tuesday.

Damascus views the rebels as terrorists and accuses them of being foot soldiers in a foreign plot to destroy Syria.

Also Wednesday, SANA said a bomb hidden in a garbage bag exploded in an area near Damascus that is home to a Shiite Muslim shrine, killing six people and wounding 13. The Observatory said at least eight people were killed.

The blast occurred in a suburb of the capital housing the golden-domed shrine of Sayeda Zeinab, the Prophet Muhammad's granddaughter, which is popular with Iranian worshippers and tourists.

The U.N. refugee agency, meanwhile, said it delivered badly needed humanitarian aid to internally displaced Syrians in the northern cities of Aleppo and Idlib, as well as in Homs in the center of the country and Hassakeh and Raqqa in the northeast. Speaking in Jordan, UNHCR's regional spokesman Ron Redmond said cooking materials, blankets, mattresses, and sanitary supplies were delivered to almost 3,000 Syrians who fled the fighting in the past weeks and have been left homeless.


Associated Press writer Zeina Karam in Beirut and Dale Gavlak in Amman, Jordan contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Stars ancient and modern?

Stars ancient and modern? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 31-Oct-2012
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Contact: Richard Hook

This colourful view of the globular star cluster NGC 6362 was captured by the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. This new picture, along with a new image of the central region from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, provide the best view of this little-known cluster ever obtained. Globular clusters are mainly composed of tens of thousands of very ancient stars, but they also contain some stars that look suspiciously young.

Globular star clusters are among the oldest objects in the Universe, and NGC 6362 cannot hide its age in this picture. The many yellowish stars in the cluster have already run through much of their lives and become red giant stars. But globular clusters are not static relics from the past -- some curious stellar activities are still going on in these dense star cities.

For instance, NGC 6362 is home to many blue stragglers -- old stars that really do succeed in passing for a younger age. All of the stars in a globular cluster formed from the same material at roughly the same time (typically, about 10 billion years ago for most globulars). Yet blue stragglers are bluer and more luminous -- and hence more massive -- than they should be after ten billion years of stellar evolution. Blue stars are hot and consume their fuel quickly, so if these stars had formed about ten billion years ago, then they should have fizzled out long ago. How did they survive?

Astronomers are keen to understand the secret of the youthful appearance of blue stragglers. Currently, there are two main theories: stars colliding and merging, and a transfer of material between two companion stars. The basic idea behind both of these options is that the stars were not born as big as we see them today, but that they received an injection of extra material at some point during their lifetimes and this then gave them a new lease of life.

Although less well known than some brighter globular clusters, NGC 6362 holds much that is of interest to astronomers and has been well studied over the years. It was selected as one of the 160 stellar fields for the Pre-FLAMES Survey -- a preliminary survey conducted between 1999 and 2002 using the 2.2-metre telescope at La Silla to find suitable stars for follow-up observations with the VLT's spectroscopic instrument FLAMES. The picture here comes from data collected as part of this survey.

The new image shows the entire cluster against a rich background of the carpet of stars in the Milky Way. The central parts of NGC 6362 have also been [studied in detail][1] by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble view shows a much smaller area of sky in much greater detail. The two views -- one wide-angle and one zoomed in -- complement each other perfectly.

This brilliant ball of stars lies in the southern constellation of Ara (The Altar). It can be easily seen in a small telescope. It was first spotted in 1826 by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop using a 22-centimetre telescope in Australia.


[1]: (studied in detail)

More information

The year 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe and the world's most productive astronomical observatory. It is supported by 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. ESO carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities enabling astronomers to make important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organising cooperation in astronomical research. ESO operates three unique world-class observing sites in Chile: La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor. At Paranal, ESO operates the Very Large Telescope, the world's most advanced visible-light astronomical observatory and two survey telescopes. VISTA works in the infrared and is the world's largest survey telescope and the VLT Survey Telescope is the largest telescope designed to exclusively survey the skies in visible light. ESO is the European partner of a revolutionary astronomical telescope ALMA, the largest astronomical project in existence. ESO is currently planning the 39-metre European Extremely Large optical/near-infrared Telescope, the E-ELT, which will become "the world's biggest eye on the sky".


  • [Photos of the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope][1]
  • [Other photos taken with the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope][2]
  • [Photos of La Silla][3]



Richard Hook
ESO, La Silla, Paranal, E-ELT and Survey Telescopes Public Information Officer
Garching bei Mnchen, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
Cell: +49 151 1537 3591

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Stars ancient and modern? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 31-Oct-2012
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Contact: Richard Hook

This colourful view of the globular star cluster NGC 6362 was captured by the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. This new picture, along with a new image of the central region from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, provide the best view of this little-known cluster ever obtained. Globular clusters are mainly composed of tens of thousands of very ancient stars, but they also contain some stars that look suspiciously young.

Globular star clusters are among the oldest objects in the Universe, and NGC 6362 cannot hide its age in this picture. The many yellowish stars in the cluster have already run through much of their lives and become red giant stars. But globular clusters are not static relics from the past -- some curious stellar activities are still going on in these dense star cities.

For instance, NGC 6362 is home to many blue stragglers -- old stars that really do succeed in passing for a younger age. All of the stars in a globular cluster formed from the same material at roughly the same time (typically, about 10 billion years ago for most globulars). Yet blue stragglers are bluer and more luminous -- and hence more massive -- than they should be after ten billion years of stellar evolution. Blue stars are hot and consume their fuel quickly, so if these stars had formed about ten billion years ago, then they should have fizzled out long ago. How did they survive?

Astronomers are keen to understand the secret of the youthful appearance of blue stragglers. Currently, there are two main theories: stars colliding and merging, and a transfer of material between two companion stars. The basic idea behind both of these options is that the stars were not born as big as we see them today, but that they received an injection of extra material at some point during their lifetimes and this then gave them a new lease of life.

Although less well known than some brighter globular clusters, NGC 6362 holds much that is of interest to astronomers and has been well studied over the years. It was selected as one of the 160 stellar fields for the Pre-FLAMES Survey -- a preliminary survey conducted between 1999 and 2002 using the 2.2-metre telescope at La Silla to find suitable stars for follow-up observations with the VLT's spectroscopic instrument FLAMES. The picture here comes from data collected as part of this survey.

The new image shows the entire cluster against a rich background of the carpet of stars in the Milky Way. The central parts of NGC 6362 have also been [studied in detail][1] by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble view shows a much smaller area of sky in much greater detail. The two views -- one wide-angle and one zoomed in -- complement each other perfectly.

This brilliant ball of stars lies in the southern constellation of Ara (The Altar). It can be easily seen in a small telescope. It was first spotted in 1826 by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop using a 22-centimetre telescope in Australia.


[1]: (studied in detail)

More information

The year 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe and the world's most productive astronomical observatory. It is supported by 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. ESO carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities enabling astronomers to make important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organising cooperation in astronomical research. ESO operates three unique world-class observing sites in Chile: La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor. At Paranal, ESO operates the Very Large Telescope, the world's most advanced visible-light astronomical observatory and two survey telescopes. VISTA works in the infrared and is the world's largest survey telescope and the VLT Survey Telescope is the largest telescope designed to exclusively survey the skies in visible light. ESO is the European partner of a revolutionary astronomical telescope ALMA, the largest astronomical project in existence. ESO is currently planning the 39-metre European Extremely Large optical/near-infrared Telescope, the E-ELT, which will become "the world's biggest eye on the sky".


  • [Photos of the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope][1]
  • [Other photos taken with the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope][2]
  • [Photos of La Silla][3]



Richard Hook
ESO, La Silla, Paranal, E-ELT and Survey Telescopes Public Information Officer
Garching bei Mnchen, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
Cell: +49 151 1537 3591

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

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[unable to retrieve full-text content]February 18, 2012 | Author: mrscortes | Posted in Reference & Education. Even if you study English at a language school or via online learning, it doesn't mean you cannot learn outside of the formal learning environment. Practice does indeed ...


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Friday, February 17, 2012

Social Media Advertising Startup Compass Labs Raises $6M From NEA And Presidio

CompassLabs-1Compass Labs, which aims to provide targeted advertising on social networks like Twitter and Facebook, has raised $6 million from NEA, and Presidio Ventures. This brings the startup's total funding to $12 million. Launched at TechCrunch Disrupt two years ago, the startup provides a self-service advertising platform called CLIQ (Compass Labs IQ) that allows brands to serve targeted social media ad campaigns on Twitter and Facebook.


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Rayman Origins for Vita review (Digital Trends)

One of the great things about the PlayStation Vita is its ability to play somewhat faithful ports of existing console games. There is a bit of an asterisk on that ? the Vita won?t be playing massive games like Skyrim anytime soon ? but titles like fighting games that don?t need much power to generate static backgrounds, are relatively easy. So too, apparently, are 2D scrollers, even ones that look amazing.

Rayman Origins is a port of a console game released last November. When it hit, our own Scott Younker reviewed the game and criticized the retro nature of the game, but lauded the look of it. Now, the Vita version is the same game in almost every regard. Perhaps the remarkable and faithful translation of the graphics to the Vita were enough to impress me, or maybe the side scrolling nature of the game is just better suited for the Vita, especially at the hardware?s launch. Whatever the reason, I find myself somewhat addicted to the Vita version of Rayman Origins.

The game is simple to a fault, and yet can be incredibly complex. It harkens back to the old-school platfomers that were king before the shift to the 3D environments ? back when Mario was constantly running to the right and Sonic was still relevant. Rayman Origins has learned from those games, and created a platformer that is exceedingly well thought out. It is a fairly lengthy game, and throughout it all, you can just sense that the developers had a very specific plan for each jump you take, and each new map you play through. There is still no story to go along with the campaign, but that is also something of a staple with these types of games.

The game is designed to look like a cartoon, and it succeeds. The graphics and animations move exceedingly well, and the level design gets progressively more imaginative. The Vita port loses almost nothing from the technical side in the adaptation, and the OLED screen makes the handheld version of?Rayman Origins look almost better at times. Graphically, this is one of the best-looking games on the Vita, and gameplay wise, it is one of the most fun.

The switch to the handheld system isn?t quite perfect, though. Ubisoft did try to work in the Vita?s touchscreen, and you can now use it to collect items or pop enemies that have turned into balloons. It makes collecting items much easier, but it isn?t a huge factor. Still, it adds to the game rather than detracts, so it works. There is also the integration of the Near software, which comes pre-loaded on the Vita. As you play the game and wander around with your Vita in the real world, you can share data with other Vita users playing Rayman. Through this you can unlock additional levels, which you can then use with the other new feature, ghost mode. This is basically a time trial that you can share, and it is available on all levels to add a touch of competition with others gamers.

The biggest disappointment in this port is the loss of the drop-in multiplayer, which has been removed from the game completely. You can still play as the other characters if you like, but the co-op play is gone. It is a shame to see it go, but there is more than enough to keep you occupied for a long, long time in the single-player campaign.


Rayman Origins was a fun game on the consoles, and it has translated perfectly over to the Vita. The loss of the co-op was a shame, but the game itself looks better than most, and the main campaign was an incredible single-player experience to begin with.

If you played the console version, then you will be impressed by the transfer. You will also be playing exactly the same game, though; so unless you loved the game so much that you demand to be able to take it with you, then you may want to save your money. For those that have a soft spot in their hearts for old-school platformers,?Rayman Origins is a must-own launch title for the Vita.


Score: 8.5 out of 10


This article was originally posted on Digital Trends

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

AgriLife research study shows temperatures may change disease resistance in wheat

AgriLife research study shows temperatures may change disease resistance in wheat [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 16-Feb-2012
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Contact: Dr. Charlie Rush
Texas A&M AgriLife Communications

AMARILLO Wheat streak mosaic resistance bred into several wheat varieties might be negated by the producer practice in the High Plains of planting wheat early and using it for both winter forage for cattle and grain, according to a Texas AgriLife Research scientist.

Dr. Charlie Rush, AgriLife Research plant pathologist in Amarillo, began a study in December that he "started out of necessity" after working for several years on the wheat streak mosaic virus.

While several varieties of wheat, such as Mace and Ron L, have resistance to the virus bred into them, there has been a problem with that genetic resistance breaking down in temperatures above 75 degrees, Rush said.

"That is terrible for those who plant in the Texas Panhandle for dual purpose," he said. "The wheat is planted early when temperatures are very high and it's too hot for genetic resistance to be effective. In our study, we want to see if the plant is able to grow out of it once temperatures cool down to where the genetic resistance should be effective.

"It's really important to understand how the germplasm responds to the natural temperature fluctuations during the growing season," Rush said. "Since we know most of the farmers in this area plant when it is too hot for the resistance, we need to know what happens once the temperatures cool down."

Jacob Price, a research associate on Rush's team, is running diagnostics for the virus and quantifying the infection of the plants. He is also looking at the virus quantity in the wheat curl mites, which are the vector of the disease, to see if that is altered among the varieties.

Wheat streak mosaic virus is the most prevalent disease in the southwestern wheat producing region of the U.S., Price said. Early diagnostics have shown that wheat curl mites have the potential to build high populations very quickly. When populations explode, wheat streak can spread to epidemic proportions in a short time, causing devastating losses throughout the wheat growing region.

Understanding how the temperatures affect this process is important, Rush said.

"If you have a lower number of mites, and a lower number of those are carrying the wheat streak virus, it will reduce the incidence of disease and reduce the potential for development of an epidemic," he said.

Price said so far it looks like when the wheat plants, regardless of variety, become infected early with high mite and virus populations, it is difficult or even impossible for the plants to recover before they go into winter dormancy.

However, Rush said in the first replication of side-by-side comparisons of Mace, Ron L, TAM 112, TAM 111 and Karl 92, they have seen interesting results.

"We think that TAM 112 is exhibiting some tolerance to the vector," he said. "If this holds up these are preliminary results and must be repeated but the thing that is so exciting about this is if you have the resistance to the mite, then you don't have to worry about the virus building up."

In his greenhouse study, Rush said the plants are exposed to 20 mites per pot at the same time and grown under the same environmental conditions. As they have grown out, TAM 112 exhibits healthy leaves while pots beside it planted to other varieties have twisted leaves and the typical streaking and striping associated with wheat streak mosaic virus.

Mace has a specific gene for resistance to wheat streak, wsm1, and Ron L has a different gene, wsm2. The Karl 92 is planted as a check variety as it has no known resistance, and TAM 111 and TAM 112 were added to the study to see how they performed because they are regionally adapted, he said.

Angela Simmons, a new graduate student in Rush's program, is in the process of washing the mites from three tillers per pot and then counting them under a dissecting scope. The number of mites for Mace and Ron L are in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 and the number of mites for TAM 112 is in the range of 100 to 200, "so there is a tremendous difference in the mite population showing up, he said.

The leaves of TAM 112 have essentially no curling resulting from the mites and look almost normal, he said, but there are some symptoms of wheat streak exhibited indicating it has been infected by the virus.

"If you think about an entire field of this, with a field next door of a susceptible lines where you have massive numbers of mites, it can make a very real difference," Rush said. "If they blow into your TAM 112 field and the mites aren't building up to as high of a population, the virus isn't building up, so as they move across the field, the number of mites gets less and less.

"Overall, you may have some infection, but you will end up having a much healthier wheat field resulting in better yield and quality than if you had a cultivar with a specific resistance gene to wheat streak but it was planted in late August or early September when the temperatures are too high for the resistance to be effective," he said.

That's what this whole study is about, Rush said, trying to look at how the temperature fluctuations that the crop goes through in the Panhandle at this time of the year are going to affect overall disease development.

"We are tremendously optimistic about what we've seen so far, but we know biological systems, by their very nature, are prone to change and that is why it is so important to go back and repeat the study and see if we get similar results in a repeated study," Rush said. "That will give us confidence that what we are seeing is indeed a response of that particular cultivar."

Following the second round of the study, Rush will work with other AgriLife Research scientists to try to determine the genetic reason TAM 112 has tolerance to the vector or mite.

"If we were able to identify the actual gene, or genes, responsible for mite resistance, it would be a huge advance to our overall wheat program because cultivars with these genes would have reduced susceptibility to all mite-vectored virus diseases and not just wheat streak mosaic virus," he said.

"This resistance, combined with the observed drought tolerance of TAM 112, would result in an exceptionally valuable combination for much of the southwestern Great Plains," Rush said.

He said further research might determine that these wheat varieties with the wheat streak mosaic resistance trait may be more effective in northern states where wheat is planted later when it is cooler.

"We've established a collaboration with researchers in Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Montana to do a regional study on wheat streak and monitor the differences of certain cultivars in general," Rush said.

Knowing that, he said, they hope to determine why the differences are occurring and develop a disease forecasting risk assessment model for diseases vectored by the mite, including wheat streak mosaic, High Plains disease and triticum mosaic virus.


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AgriLife research study shows temperatures may change disease resistance in wheat [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 16-Feb-2012
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Contact: Dr. Charlie Rush
Texas A&M AgriLife Communications

AMARILLO Wheat streak mosaic resistance bred into several wheat varieties might be negated by the producer practice in the High Plains of planting wheat early and using it for both winter forage for cattle and grain, according to a Texas AgriLife Research scientist.

Dr. Charlie Rush, AgriLife Research plant pathologist in Amarillo, began a study in December that he "started out of necessity" after working for several years on the wheat streak mosaic virus.

While several varieties of wheat, such as Mace and Ron L, have resistance to the virus bred into them, there has been a problem with that genetic resistance breaking down in temperatures above 75 degrees, Rush said.

"That is terrible for those who plant in the Texas Panhandle for dual purpose," he said. "The wheat is planted early when temperatures are very high and it's too hot for genetic resistance to be effective. In our study, we want to see if the plant is able to grow out of it once temperatures cool down to where the genetic resistance should be effective.

"It's really important to understand how the germplasm responds to the natural temperature fluctuations during the growing season," Rush said. "Since we know most of the farmers in this area plant when it is too hot for the resistance, we need to know what happens once the temperatures cool down."

Jacob Price, a research associate on Rush's team, is running diagnostics for the virus and quantifying the infection of the plants. He is also looking at the virus quantity in the wheat curl mites, which are the vector of the disease, to see if that is altered among the varieties.

Wheat streak mosaic virus is the most prevalent disease in the southwestern wheat producing region of the U.S., Price said. Early diagnostics have shown that wheat curl mites have the potential to build high populations very quickly. When populations explode, wheat streak can spread to epidemic proportions in a short time, causing devastating losses throughout the wheat growing region.

Understanding how the temperatures affect this process is important, Rush said.

"If you have a lower number of mites, and a lower number of those are carrying the wheat streak virus, it will reduce the incidence of disease and reduce the potential for development of an epidemic," he said.

Price said so far it looks like when the wheat plants, regardless of variety, become infected early with high mite and virus populations, it is difficult or even impossible for the plants to recover before they go into winter dormancy.

However, Rush said in the first replication of side-by-side comparisons of Mace, Ron L, TAM 112, TAM 111 and Karl 92, they have seen interesting results.

"We think that TAM 112 is exhibiting some tolerance to the vector," he said. "If this holds up these are preliminary results and must be repeated but the thing that is so exciting about this is if you have the resistance to the mite, then you don't have to worry about the virus building up."

In his greenhouse study, Rush said the plants are exposed to 20 mites per pot at the same time and grown under the same environmental conditions. As they have grown out, TAM 112 exhibits healthy leaves while pots beside it planted to other varieties have twisted leaves and the typical streaking and striping associated with wheat streak mosaic virus.

Mace has a specific gene for resistance to wheat streak, wsm1, and Ron L has a different gene, wsm2. The Karl 92 is planted as a check variety as it has no known resistance, and TAM 111 and TAM 112 were added to the study to see how they performed because they are regionally adapted, he said.

Angela Simmons, a new graduate student in Rush's program, is in the process of washing the mites from three tillers per pot and then counting them under a dissecting scope. The number of mites for Mace and Ron L are in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 and the number of mites for TAM 112 is in the range of 100 to 200, "so there is a tremendous difference in the mite population showing up, he said.

The leaves of TAM 112 have essentially no curling resulting from the mites and look almost normal, he said, but there are some symptoms of wheat streak exhibited indicating it has been infected by the virus.

"If you think about an entire field of this, with a field next door of a susceptible lines where you have massive numbers of mites, it can make a very real difference," Rush said. "If they blow into your TAM 112 field and the mites aren't building up to as high of a population, the virus isn't building up, so as they move across the field, the number of mites gets less and less.

"Overall, you may have some infection, but you will end up having a much healthier wheat field resulting in better yield and quality than if you had a cultivar with a specific resistance gene to wheat streak but it was planted in late August or early September when the temperatures are too high for the resistance to be effective," he said.

That's what this whole study is about, Rush said, trying to look at how the temperature fluctuations that the crop goes through in the Panhandle at this time of the year are going to affect overall disease development.

"We are tremendously optimistic about what we've seen so far, but we know biological systems, by their very nature, are prone to change and that is why it is so important to go back and repeat the study and see if we get similar results in a repeated study," Rush said. "That will give us confidence that what we are seeing is indeed a response of that particular cultivar."

Following the second round of the study, Rush will work with other AgriLife Research scientists to try to determine the genetic reason TAM 112 has tolerance to the vector or mite.

"If we were able to identify the actual gene, or genes, responsible for mite resistance, it would be a huge advance to our overall wheat program because cultivars with these genes would have reduced susceptibility to all mite-vectored virus diseases and not just wheat streak mosaic virus," he said.

"This resistance, combined with the observed drought tolerance of TAM 112, would result in an exceptionally valuable combination for much of the southwestern Great Plains," Rush said.

He said further research might determine that these wheat varieties with the wheat streak mosaic resistance trait may be more effective in northern states where wheat is planted later when it is cooler.

"We've established a collaboration with researchers in Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Montana to do a regional study on wheat streak and monitor the differences of certain cultivars in general," Rush said.

Knowing that, he said, they hope to determine why the differences are occurring and develop a disease forecasting risk assessment model for diseases vectored by the mite, including wheat streak mosaic, High Plains disease and triticum mosaic virus.


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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oldham family flee as candle tribute to Whitney ... - The Party Crasher

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Oldham family flee as candle tribute to Whitney Houston sets fire to their home A woman and her son lit the candle in memory of the star, who was found dead in a bath in a hotel in Beverly Hills. But they ...


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WVU settles Big East lawsuit, will join Big 12

FILE - In a Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010 file photo, West Virginia University Athletic Director Oliver Luck speaks addresses the media during a news conference, at the WVU Coliseum in Morgantown, W.Va. West Virginia University announced Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012 that it has settled a lawsuit with the Big East for an unspecified amount, clearing the way for the Mountaineers to join the Big 12 in July. Luck said the terms of the deal were confidential and WVU wouldn't release details. But Luck said no state, taxpayer, tuition or other academic dollars will be used in the settlement. (AP Photo/The Dominion Post, Jason DeProspero, File)

FILE - In a Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010 file photo, West Virginia University Athletic Director Oliver Luck speaks addresses the media during a news conference, at the WVU Coliseum in Morgantown, W.Va. West Virginia University announced Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012 that it has settled a lawsuit with the Big East for an unspecified amount, clearing the way for the Mountaineers to join the Big 12 in July. Luck said the terms of the deal were confidential and WVU wouldn't release details. But Luck said no state, taxpayer, tuition or other academic dollars will be used in the settlement. (AP Photo/The Dominion Post, Jason DeProspero, File)

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) ? West Virginia University announced Tuesday it has settled a lawsuit with the Big East for an unspecified amount, clearing the way for the conference power Mountaineers to join the Big 12 in July in time for the fall football season.

Athletic Director Oliver Luck said the terms of the deal were confidential and WVU wouldn't release details. But Luck said no state, taxpayer, tuition or other academic dollars will be used in the settlement.

A person familiar with the agreement said the settlement totaled $20 million but did not know how much money would come from the university and how much the Big 12 may contribute. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because financial terms were not being made in the announcement of the agreement.

Luck said the funding will come only from private sources and money that athletics raised independently. WVU has already paid half of the required $5 million exit fee to the Big East.

Luck said the new relationship puts WVU among peers that are also large, public, flagship institutions for their states and have strong academic and research programs. Athletically, it's "challenging and competitive" group, he said, populated by schools with "tremendous legacies, passionate fan bases."

It's also lucrative: Luck said WVU should get about $18 million to $19 million a year in television payouts, about double what it gets from the Big East. Payments are being prorated for the first three years at 50 percent, 67 percent and 87 percent, he said, reaching 100 percent in the fourth year.

"It's a very healthy television payout, and it's important we maintain our self-sufficient status," Luck said. "With this move, we'll be in an excellent position to do so."

A spokesman for the Big 12 didn't immediately comment on the deal, but the conference released its football schedule about an hour after the announcement. West Virginia will make its Big 12 debut on Sept. 29 at home against Baylor.

The Mountaineers and their explosive offense went 10-3 last season and finished ranked in the Top 25. West Virginia capped off the season with a record-setting 70-33 victory over Clemson in the Orange Bowl.

Luck didn't rule out the possibility of a nonconference game against archrival Pitt after the 2012 season but said that both schools have nine nonconference games and a matchup would be "difficult to schedule."

"It's pretty obvious there will be no Backyard Brawl" in 2012, he said.

WVU sued the Big East in Monongalia County Circuit Court in Morgantown in November, challenging its bylaws in a bid to join the Big 12 in time for the 2012 season.

The Big East countersued in Rhode Island four days later, arguing that WVU had breached its contract with the conference and should remain in the Big East for another two years as required in the bylaws. In late December, the judge there denied WVU's motion to dismiss.

Luck said the Big 12 gives WVU "significant advantages" over the Big East.

"The Big 12 is a strong and vibrant conference academically and athletically," he said in a statement. "We look forward to the potential academic and athletic partnerships and financial opportunities that membership in the Big 12 offers."

WVU President James Clements called the partnership with the Big 12 "an investment in WVU's future."

Big East Commissioner John Marinatto had repeatedly said West Virginia would not be allowed to leave until the 2014 football season.

But in a statement Tuesday, Marinatto said the board of directors voted to terminate WVU's membership in the conference as of June 30. Marinatto said the board agreed to the deal because WVU was willing to drop its lawsuit and pay an exit fee "well in excess of that required by the bylaws."

He said WVU has agreed to have the West Virginia court enter a judgment that declares the Big East's bylaws "valid and enforceable."

With its recent additions, Marinatto said, "the future for the Big East Conference has never been brighter."

Boise State, Central Florida, Houston, Memphis, San Diego State University, Southern Methodist University and Navy have all recently joined the conference.

The Big East still has work to do to figure out how next season will play out. Pittsburgh and Syracuse announced in September they are leaving for the Atlantic Coast Conference, but have said they will not challenge the Big East's notification rules.

That leaves the Big East with seven football teams for 2012 and a hole in the schedule that could leave its remaining members scrambling to find a game so late ? unless one of its future members can be convinced to join a year early.

Boise State, which is joining the Big East in football only, has been approached about leaving the Mountain West early.

The urgency of the lawsuits and the eventual settlement was driven by football, but the conference realignment affects other West Virginia sports. The Mountaineers must find a home for their men's soccer team because the Big 12 doesn't sponsor the sport.

Teams in rifle, wrestling and women's gymnastics at West Virginia compete in other conferences besides the Big East.

Big 12 membership requires WVU to add a men's sport, but Luck said he hasn't determined which it will be or when it will happen.


Russo contributed to this report from New York. AP Sports Writer John Raby contributed from Charleston, W.Va.

Associated Press


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Monday, February 13, 2012

Whitney Houston found dead in Calif. hotel, age 48 (omg!)

Whitney Houston performs before winning for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance at the 42nd annual Grammy Awards, in this file photo taken February 23, 2000. REUTERS/Gary Hershorn/Files

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Whitney Houston, whose soaring voice lifted her to the top of the pop music world but whose personal decline was fueled by years of drug use, died on Saturday afternoon in a Beverly Hills hotel room. She was 48.

The pop superstar died on the eve of the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles at the same hotel where her mentor, record mogul Clive Davis, was holding an annual pre-event party featuring scores of music industry celebrities.

A dramatic scene unfolded at the Beverly Hilton hotel as guests arriving for the party expressed shock at her death, while reporters swarmed the hotel, fans gathered outside to light candles in her memory and helicopters hovered overhead.

Beverly Hills police said they were called to the Beverly Hilton at around 3:43 p.m. PST, and fire department personnel who were already at the location responded immediately. Houston was in her fourth-floor room but was unresponsive to CPR, and she was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m.

"She has been positively identified by friends and family (who) were with her at the hotel, and next of kin have already been notified," Lieutenant Mark Rosen told reporters. Police said there were no obvious signs of criminal intent.

Los Angeles County coroners removed Houston's body from the hotel after midnight through a backdoor to avoid the crush of media set up to cover her shocking death.

Typically, coroners conduct an autopsy within a day or two, at which point they might release some preliminary information about the death. If drugs or alcohol are involved, however, an official cause of death would not be released until after toxicology tests, which could take six to eight weeks.


Tributes poured in from around the world for a singer whose remarkable vocal power and range produced some of the most memorable music of her generation, including her signature hit, "I Will Always Love You."

"I don't have to mask my emotion in front of a room full of so many dear friends," Davis told a somber crowd at his gala dinner and party just hours after Houston's death. "I am personally devastated by the loss of someone who has meant so much to me for so many years."

Neil Portnow, president of the Recording Academy, which runs the Grammys, told the audience at Davis's party that Jennifer Hudson would sing a tribute to Houston at Sunday night's Grammy Awards.

"We will do something appropriate tomorrow, and nothing could be more appropriate than having Jennifer Hudson sing on stage for Whitney," Portnow said. "In our community, we celebrate things ... let's celebrate Whitney Houston."

Outside the hotel in the wealthy enclave of Beverly Hills, a phalanx of hotel security personnel guarded the perimeter to prevent reporters and fans from entering. Some of Houston's admirers gathered on the sidewalk, lighting candles and singing her songs.

Over the course of a 30-year career in which she established herself as one of the most-admired and influential singers of her time, Houston won six Grammys, 30 Billboard awards and 22 American Music Awards. She released seven studio albums and sold some 170 million CDs, singles and videos. The soundtrack for a hit movie in which she starred, "The Bodyguard," was among the best-selling soundtracks in movie history.

Her 1985 debut, "Whitney Houston," became the best-selling debut album by a female act at that time, and spawned several hits including "How Will I Know." Her second studio CD, 1987's "Whitney," became the first album by a female artist to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart.

She crossed over from music success to TV and movies, appearing in "The Bodyguard" (1992), as well as "Waiting to Exhale" (1995) and "The Preacher's Wife" (1996).

Born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1963, Houston was inspired to perform as a child by soul singers in her family, including mother Cissy Houston and cousins Dionne Warwick and the late Dee Dee Warwick. Her godmother was Aretha Franklin.

"I just can't talk about it now," Franklin said in a statement. "It's so stunning and unbelievable. I couldn't believe what I was reading coming across the TV screen. My heart goes out to Cissy, her daughter Bobbi Kris, her family and Bobby (Brown).".


By the early 1990s, Houston reigned as the queen of pop, but her critical and commercial success on stage was accompanied by an increasingly troubled personal life. In 1992 she married singer Bobby Brown, who had a bad-boy reputation, and their tumultuous 14 years together were marred by drug abuse and domestic violence.

In 2000, she and Brown were stopped at an airport in Hawaii and security guards discovered marijuana in their luggage. In a 2002 TV interview, she admitted using marijuana, cocaine, alcohol and prescription drugs.

The pair also starred in a reality TV series, "Being Bobby Brown," which painted an often unflattering portrait of the couple.

The last 10 years of Houston's life were dominated by drug use, rumors of relapses and trips to rehab.

She launched a comeback tour in 2009, and in April 2010 she called media reports she was using drugs again "ridiculous." In May 2011, Houston enrolled in a drug and alcohol rehab program.

Despite her personal troubles, Houston commanded great affection among her music industry colleagues, and emotional tributes flooded the media in the hours after news broke of her death.

"I am absolutely heartbroken at the news of Whitney's passing," legendary music producer Quincy Jones said in a statement. "... I always regretted not having had the opportunity to work with her. She was a true original and a talent beyond compare. I will miss her terribly."

Barbra Streisand said in a statement: "She had everything, beauty, a magnificent voice. How sad her gifts could not bring her the same happiness they brought us."

Pop star Rihanna posted on Twitter "No words, just tears.".

(Additional reporting by Mary Slosson, Jill Serjeant, Dan Whitcomb, Piya Sinha-Roy and R.T. Watson; Editing by Jonathan Weber and Eric Beech)


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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Health Tips to Cope With a Pet Allergy - Health N Fitness Tips ...

HealthNFitness Tips: Now for the reason of you or your child has a pet allergy.

Tips to better cope with a pet allergy:
  • Do your best to avoid kissing and hugging pets.
  • Keep your bedroom and upholstered furniture off-limits to pets.
  • Give your pets a weekly bath, and ask a non-allergic friend or family member to regularly brush them outdoors.
  • Ask your veterinarian about a well-balanced diet for pets, which can minimize dander.
  • Vacuum with a micro-filter or double bag, and use a HEPA air cleaner at home.
  • Minimize carpeting and rugs in your home, as they attract dander.
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Hungarian government lawmaker sees IMF deal by May: report (Reuters)

BUDAPEST (Reuters) ? Hungary can realistically start formal talks with the European Union and the IMF about a vital funding deal in early March and an agreement can be reached by the middle of the second quarter, a ruling Fidesz party lawmaker said on Saturday.

Hungary, at odds with Brussels over a range of legislation which some critics have called a threat to its democracy, needs the financing backstop to retain access to market funding and avert a full-blown debt crisis.

MP Antal Rogan told the daily Magyar Nemzet that the government and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shared common goals such as achieving a sustainable debt level, fiscal stability and creating conditions for economic growth.

"These goals match the goals of the Hungarian government and we are preparing proposals for the negotiations which, if they are accepted, can result in a fast deal," Rogan was cited as saying in an interview. He did not go into details.

"I'm quite certain that an agreement (with IMF) can be reached by the middle of the second quarter."

The conservative government has drawn fire from the international community for introducing a swathe of measures that threaten the independence of the media, the judiciary and the central bank since sweeping to power in 2010.

In mid-January the European Commission gave Hungary one month to respond to its concerns over legislation which is seen hurting the central bank's independence, and two other laws which force judges into retirement and leave the data protection authority open to political interference.

The EU's deadline will expire at the end of next week, and Hungary will need to meet EU demands to unlock talks about a new financing deal and avert legal action by the Commission.

Rogan said parliament, which will reconvene after a recess on Monday, will not deal with the required law amendments next week yet, as the government would first send those to Brussels.

"I believe it is a more fortunate solution if first the Commission in Brussels forms an opinion on the bills, and they go to parliament only after that," Rogan said.

"I think an agreement with the EU is possible on all three issues: the central bank, the data protection and also the issue if judges, the judiciary," he added.

The conservative Fidesz party government backed down in the dispute with the EU only after Hungary's financial markets and the forint took a hammering in the first week of January.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban's pledges to seek a fast deal with lenders have since boosted the forint and government bonds, but investors now want to see evidence that the government will stick to its pledges and comply with lenders' conditions.

(Reporting by Krisztina Than; editing by Patrick Graham)


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The Hidden Tax on Every Smartphone and Tablet You Buy (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | You weren't charged it when they rang your smartphone up at the register, and your receipt won't have any mention of it. But if you bought an Android smartphone in the last year or so, odds are you paid Microsoft $5 for the privilege of using Android, according to Citi analyst Walter Pritchard as quoted in Business Insider. Meanwhile, Google stands to collect about a billion dollars a year from Apple on account of people who buy the iPhone, according to John Paczkowski of AllThingsD.

Why? Because of patent deals, whether extortionary like Microsoft's or "Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory" like with the Google ones. That's where they "own" the exclusive right to make something important (like, say, the 3G radio), but have to license it out for a fee because it's an industry standard.

As MG Siegler explains on Pando Daily, Google made a big fuss last year over companies like Apple and Microsoft buying up patents, just to sue people over or charge licensing fees for. But now that it's bought Motorola, which owns a ton of patents and is responsible for several lawsuits, it seems to have forgotten that.

So that's part of why your smartphone or tablet costs so much

Another part of the reason? The money it takes to keep those huge legal departments running. The gadget companies use patents as weapons in their secret war against each other, and if one of them loses, it has consequences for everyone -- like, say, the iPhone and iPad getting banned, and Apple's iCloud service losing email sync. Which is exactly what happened in Germany thanks to Motorola's lawsuits, according to Florian Mueller of FOSS Patents.

Having big legal teams pays. Just ask Microsoft; it spends hundreds of millions on its legal department in the expectation of a return on investment, both for offensive and defensive lawsuits. And Motorola lost millions on smartphones last year, but is set to make it all back and then some just by suing people like Apple, whom the market says makes better smartphones.

Why does it work this way?

Or in other words, why are today's gadget companies suing the pants off of each other and restricting our freedom to buy what we want, instead of actually using that time and money to make new gadgets? Why are they hiring lawyers instead of engineers?

It's because the government grants them monopolies over a piece of hardware, or even ideas expressed in programming code ("Math You Can't Use"). These monopolies are called patents, and were originally designed to get secretive trade guilds to publish their secrets out in the open, in exchange for the right to prosecute people who used them without a license. But in today's world, you can patent such obvious things as "a button you click on to buy stuff," and all of a sudden anyone else who makes that gets in trouble.

The name of the game isn't "making cool gadgets," anymore. It's "making the people who actually make the cool gadgets give you money, just because you were the first to shout 'Dibs!'"


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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Shopping From USA ? Cosmetics ? Suggestions

1) go to and select the stuff you like. All of it comes under 1, 3 or 5$ and are super good quality and affordable. Would be available in stores like K-Mart or target over there, or you can even buy it from the website ship it to your cousin?s address. I recommend their eye brushes, their studio line stippling brush, the studio blushes, cool bronzer palette, cream eyeshadows, pigment eyeshadows and their mineral lipsticks. awesome stuff.
2) Urban Decay primer potion if you dont have it already; Urban decay eyeshadow palettes
3) physicians?s formula gel eyeliners / blush/ shimmerstrips
4) O.P.I and china glaze nail polishes
5) Burts bees lipbalm and/or EOS lipbalms
6) maybelline ?the falsies? mascara (check this one out online to see if it would suit you though) or benefit bad gal mascara
7) revlon just bitten lipstains
8) Cover girl products
9) NYC face powders/ bronzer in ?Sunny?

whoa that?s a long list i guess? but hope it helps? Drunk do ur research first online to see what you would personally like though Smile


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